Initially, I went into “Monster Mommy Mode”. “Who is this
woman? And what kind of liquor is she drinking? Nobody messes…no, NOBODY
TOUCHES MY CHILDREN!” All of these thoughts were running freely in my head, and
I’m positive they showed on my face as well. I had never seen this lady before
in my life! Who is she?! I think all mothers have a defense zone with a primary
duty to protect our children, and anything that goes against that, well..
obviously creates a MAJOR PROBLEM!
But I sat still and I wondered, but isn’t that what we all
need? A support system? Nurturing hands? Wisdom? I couldn’t confront this
woman, and felt awful that she saw the face I made. A few minutes passed. I
went to the restroom, and on the way back, she stopped me. “I’m sorry, for
making you mad, all I told him was to sit back like a big boy and be verrrryyy
quiet”. Conviction swallowed me whole. I
felt AWFUL! The fact that my face…even my behavior, would force an elder to
apologize to me, for doing just what elders should do made me cringe. I told her “With all due respect, I am sorry.
I realize that this is what’s wrong with my generation now, we have no respect.
We have no fear of the elders. But we
need you and I thank you for being just what you are”. The tears welled up in
her eyes, and she gave me a smile that let me know my apology was accepted.
I walked back to my seat so
curious. Puzzled, I wondered, where were all the Big Mamas? There used to be a time, where Big Mamas were
everywhere! The grandmothers.. clothed in wisdom, scented like buttermilk and
equipped with fly swatters and switches. Where were the Big Mamas that were
ready to kill your parents when they found out you hadn’t eaten…or the Big
Mamas that would whoop you quick, but would never tell your parents you
misbehaved. Where are they? Where are the Big Mamas who kept the children for
the summer and never expected anything in return..the Big Mamas who heard
random babies crying and could never resist the urge to pull out a piece of peppermint
or the penny candy to quiet down “that sweet lil angel”? You could hear her
voice from anywhere, once she heard one of her grandbabies cry, “WHAT’S WRONG
WITH HIM!!!??”. And she would quickly
let your parents know that she wasn’t impressed with them either. “Hold that baby
head up”, “Don’t lay him on his stomach!”, and she would save you from a whooping,
every chance she got. Where is she? With
opened arms and opened hearts to every child she would see… the Big Mamas that
got angry with the people on tv, for running RIGHT INTO THE KILLER, “Go the
other way fool!”. Where are they now? Are they all partying? Back in college?
Somewhere trying to get their groove back? Too busy working? Or have we ruined their legacy by having
babies so young? Have we pushed them away because ‘we know it all anyway’?
Where are the Big Mamas? Sitting on the porch, waving at every car that drove
by…sipping on her sweet tea or even sugar water. She was so content being Big
Mama. Where on Earth did she go? Doesn’t she know we need her? Doesn’t she know
how valuable she is to our culture? Or children? Our memories? Where is Big Mama?