Tuesday, July 18, 2017


They always tell you to “Go for it!” or “Just do it!!”  
Becoming an entrepreneur can be one of the hardest things in the world to do. While it is rewarding and exciting, it is one of the scariest things I’ve done to date- this is coming from someone who’s pushed whole humans out of her body. Your excitement is on level 10, while your fear is on level 10.5. “Can I really do this?” you ask yourself. What if I fail? What if I make a complete fool of myself? Can my dream and plan, really finance my needs in life?
Encouragement is vital and warm words are always welcomed; especially from those who’ve experienced what you are about to endure. Their present status is inspiring. You say “If she can do it, I can do it”. They make it look so easy. From make-up artists, to comedians, to painters, and event planners, these people are literally living off of their dream! How could you not be inspired to at least try?
The problem comes when you actually decide to do it. No one tells you that your anxiety levels burst. No one tells you that ‘friends & family’ DON’T EQUATE TO CUSTOMERS/SUPPORT.  They don’t tell you that you may have to lose everything, just to get where you’re trying to be. They never mention the fact that becoming and entrepreneur, is the craziest thing that someone could ever do!
So you would really sacrifice a bi-weekly paycheck, for and uncertain pay day, with an uncertain amount? What if no one buys? What if no one supports? How am I gonna feed my family?!
As a self-published author, here are a few tips I've learned along the way.

      DO YOUR BEST: After all that’s really all you can do. Always put your best foot forward and know that your work is not in vain. When you do your best, it will attract the right type of people
    BE CONSISTENT: How can you expect a profit or a good return, or even support from people if you’re not consistent? One day you do hair, but because no one booked you today, you give up and quit. Once you gain your confidence back, you’re magically a hairstylist again.  It doesn’t work this way. Although things may get hard or discouraging, you have to remain planted in your purpose. If you are an entrepreneur, then BE AN ENTREPRENEUR every day of your life. Your persistence and consistency will take you farther than you know.

    FOCUS ON THOSE WHO SUPPORT YOU, NOT THOSE WHO DON’T: This step is easier said than done! You will have friends and even close family members who will not support you. You will have people that pledge their support, but will not follow through. It is tempting not to say “Aye, I thought you were gonna support me?!” Especially when these people are near and dear to your heart. Word of advice: FAMILY & FRIENDS DO NOT TRANSLATE TO CUSTOMERS!  They just don’t. It’s hard not to take it personal, but try to focus on those that actually take the time to support you. Be thankful for them; appreciate them. No need to waste energy on people who will not help you grow.

    STAY IN YOUR LANE & FOCUS ON YOUR OWN JOURNEY: Some people will achieve success BEFORE you, QUICKER than you; this happens more than not. IT IS OKAY. Stay in the game. Your journey will not be the same as some people- it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes people can focus so much on other people that can’t even focus or invest into their own dream.  You can’t sell your bouquets from keeping up with the florist down the street. That’s never gonna increase your revenue or clientele.  Focus on you, because you’re awesome!

    QUALITY OVER QUANTITY: In this world of social media, it’s hard not to try and keep up with your peers..their followers, their likes and shares. You see them produce something weekly, and suddenly you feel the need to do the same. The problem comes when you realize, YOU ARE NOT THEM. What may be a successful formula for someone else, may be horrible for you. Internationally known singer, Sade ONLY creates an album, when she has something to say. Imagine if she competed with other artists! It’s quite possible that her albums would be empty, with no substance, because ‘she just needed to put out an album’. Create the best, not the most. Don’t water your work down, in order to stretch it to the length of other’s work. It’s not worth it.