I think
the worst part about pleasing people, is that we actually try to do it. We actually believe that the most peaceful way
to do things is to crop out how we feel, edit what we say, and filter our
character. I, myself, am not one for
confrontation (as long as you don’t as my roommate from college). I wish we all
could be so tied up with our own affairs, that we have no room to become
tangled in the affairs of others. People feel so entitled to their opinions and
beliefs that they attack you when your opinions and beliefs are not parallel to
their own. I don’t like people to give input on things, for which they have no
knowledge. I never see the purpose in doing so… For instance:
Lady who is outta her lane: “You really
shouldn’t drink cokes, ya know”
Me: But If I didn’t
drink my coke, I would have told you how hideous your hair was. I would have
also mentioned that your track was similar to a woman who was in the third trimester
of pregnancy-CLEARLY SHOWING! I would have also suggested you give
Rent-A-Center your cell number, because they called while you were googling how
harmful coke was, and wanted me to let you know if you wanted your furniture
back, that you would have to pay the outstanding balance, for which you’ve not
paid on in months. So…you see…I really should drink cokes. They provide such a
peaceful work atmosphere.
Lady who
is outta her lane: insert face of shock & shame, here.

I used to care about what others
thought of me..I struggle with it from time to time, even now. People judge
me..they cast me to hell…call me fat…magnify my flaws.. But I had to learn one
thing: Many people will critique you, but none of them can create you. I am… who and what I am. I make it my business to violently shoot
bullets of laughter through a dry and unhappy neighborhood of people who are
depressed and weighed down by the realities of life. I couldn’t change who I
am, even if I tried. But the fact that people deem it necessary to share their
thoughts about me..TO ME..as though I were a contestant on American Idol, while
they sit next to Simon Cowell. As if
I requested their input..or even asked “hey, you, yes you>> person who will
not get me closer to destiny.. person who doesn’t pay my bills…person who doesn’t
pass gas, when I eat refried beans, yes you!! Can you please tell me what you
think of me? Tell me what you don’t like.. so I can fix it.. even though it
took me years to discover and accept myself.. please tell me how you don’t like
my jokes.. or the way I wear my hair.. I need you to not like stuff about me!!!”

Changing who I am, because of
what someone says to me, is like taking a driver’s course from a pedestrian..its
like accepting sex advice from a nun.. or asking for relationship advice from a
person who’s not in a relationship. That just doesn't make any sense!
Final Thought: If what you are
doing does not cause harm to others, then do you. If what others do, does not
harm you, then let them do the same. It’s really that simple.
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